From the recording Love & Dystopia vol.2

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This song is about how humanity can’t seem to find peace, and how our outlook appears to be stormy. In verses one and two, “we are the people who live in/on the sea/land,” refers to our current dire situation, and the dim hope for change. The last verse is a nod to the current craze about the existence of beings from outer space, and whether or not they should want to meet our kind? The lyric “we watch from our homes in the sky, and shed a tear…,” implies that a more advanced civilization elsewhere might view us as dangerous and pitiful.


Global Forecast

We are the people who live in the sea. We ask but two questions,
To live and be free. We watch for a vision of a peace for all abound.
And though we keep searching, it’s hard to be found.

The Global Forecast looks like rain
Storm clouds forming again and again.

We are the people who live on the land. Our feet are sinking,
everywhere sand. Our hands are red with blood,
clouds will never clear the sky. A whispering thunder sells us, goodbye.

The Global Forecast looks like rain
Storm clouds forming again and again.

We are the people who live in the air. We’d like to know you,
we’d never dare. We watch from our homes in the sky and shed a tear.
For other worlds like yours, that somehow disappear.

The Global Forecast looks like rain
Storm clouds forming again and again.